Do you think you know enough to be prepared when you need fire and water damage restoration?
- You Will Feel Out of Control
This might seem obvious, but when we think of fire we imagine being scared, getting out of the house safely, the safety of our family and our pets, the potential loss of our valuable and cherished items, and heartbreak and devastation, no matter the size of the fire. What no one tells you about is your feelings of loss of control. Fires are big and scary and have a life of their own, and until the fire department declares that the fire is out, you will feel out of control. And you will probably continue to feel that way for a certain amount of time after the fire.One of the best ways to regain control is to let people help you. You will need to rely on your insurance company and a good fire restoration company to help you figure out the steps and the action items that need to take place to get you back in your home.
- The Truth is, You Might Not Be Able to Go Back in Your Home
If the fire is very small, you might be able to go back home after the fire is out and the fire department determines your home is safe. However, many times after a fire you are not able to return home. There are several reasons for this. First, your home may not be safe from the fire and from the water from the fire hoses. Second, if your home has substantial damage, there may not be enough home for you to go back to, and it can take time for the area to cool and for fire investigators to decide if the house is safe.
- Your Insurance Company Is Going to Give You Money, Instead of Taking It (For a Change)
An event such as a house fire is exactly the reason we have insurance, to protect us in the event of a disaster. You could face financial disaster if you don’t have insurance, but a policy that covers fires (and most do, check with your agent to be sure) will help you cover the cost of repair and restoration and could cover the cost of temporary housing, should you need it.
- Your House is Going to Smell
Let’s be honest, your biggest concern when there’s a fire in your house isn’t the smell. But if you have a fire you might be shocked by how the smoke odor can make your home unlivable. And it’s not just the smell, the actual smoke and soot residue that cause the smell are dangerous and corrosive. You can’t just go live with the residue after a fire, even if it’s a small one. It can be a real health risk, especially for anyone with respiratory disease, for small children, and for the elderly. It’s not just about the smell, but you really won’t believe the smell. It’s that bad.
- Clean Up is the Most Important Part of the Process
If you are the victim of a fire, you might be worried about recovering your belongings or saving family photos and heirlooms, and that is all a part of the restoration process. The cleanup and repair is the most important piece of the puzzle to get you back to life as you know it. Everything from water extraction to soot and smoke residue cleaning to restoration of furniture, electronics, and documents needs to take place before you can call your house home again.
If you’ve had a fire, don’t try to go it alone, there is help out there!
Click to contact Can-Restore when you need fire and water damage restoration help, or call (770) 735-2695.