Find out how to make smoke damage smell removal in Canton successful.
Why Does Fire Smoke Stink?
Fire smoke has a very distinct odor. When you imagine summer parties with a fire pit or camping with a campfire, and you feel nostalgic about the smell of the smoke, that’s not what we’re talking about. The smell left behind after a house fire is beyond description. It is overwhelming and not in a good way.
Fire smoke comprises particles, airborne solids, and liquids when the fuel is burned. The fuel, in most cases, consists of the structural material of the home and the furniture, appliances, textiles, carpeting, flooring, and other items in the house. When these materials combust, the by-product of the burn is the smoke and soot.
Suppose there is a lot of oxygen in a fire; there is less smoke which means less soot and residue. When there is less oxygen, the result is more soot, often made up of toxic compounds. They are dangerous for people to inhale or to come in contact with skin. Also, they are incredibly corrosive and can break down materials quickly after the fire is out.
Why Is That Smoke Smell Everywhere?
There are different types of residue and various odors that go along with them. When organic materials, such as paper and wood, burn, they leave behind dusty ash that can clean up rather easily. It often smells somewhat of a campfire, with that recognizable and not unpleasant smoke odor. The particles are very small and can move in the air into small spaces, including under flooring and behind walls.
Not All Smoke Damage in Canton is the Same
Protein fires, such as those in a kitchen fire, leaves behind a greasy residue. This is harder to clean up and has a more pungent smell.
Synthetics, which are ever-present in most homes, not only in plastic furniture, toys, and kitchenware, but also in carpeting, wallpaper, paints, furniture, textiles, and even appliances, are the most toxic when burned. The smoke carries poisonous gasses and can be incredibly dangerous, not to mention they can leave behind a hideous mess.
The smoke residue from synthetic materials is thick and smeary and sticks to everything. It takes special tools and training to clean up this type of fire damage. And worst of all, the smell is strong and incredibly hard to get rid of because of how the particles stick to surfaces.
How Is Smoke Damage Cleaned Up?
Smoke damage is one of the worst parts of a house fire. When smoke is left behind, it can make a house unlivable if it’s not treated and cleaned properly. There have been known cases of homeowners choosing to tear down a house and start over due to the overwhelming smell of smoke. The horrible smell can’t be treated later, it must be dealt with properly in the first place.
Smoke Damage Experts in Canton
Smoke damage smell removal in Canton is a science and a skill and requires professional expertise. Several reliable products and tools can assist in the process, including a degreaser, odor counter-activator, ozone generators, air purification systems, and air filtration devices. The first step is to clean the residue up manually, followed by air cleaning systems and processes to rid the home and the air inside the smoke particles.
Smoke from a house fire is one of the strongest odors you will experience, and it’s a smell you will never forget. But instead of just living with it, get the proper clean-up and treatment so you can live in your home as you did before the fire disaster. To find out more, contact our team of experts at Can-Restore. For help with smoke damage smell removal in Canton call (770) 735-2695.